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Working Groups

The role of our association is to represent, defend and convey the fruit of our reflections and work to the outside world.

It is essentially in our working groups that ideas and recommendations are germinated and matured and later shared and disseminated.

Each group takes charge of one of the major themes of reflection and action of AFCROs.

Its operation is under the responsibility of one (or two) member-coordinators who :

  • leads a team
  • organizes meetings
  • plans the actions
  • communicates externally on behalf of AFCROs.

In search of skills synergies, our groups collaborate with other professional associations (LEEM, SNITEM, FRANCE BIOTECH, AFSSI), as well as with official bodies (ANSM, HAS, CNOM, CNIL, DGS, DGOS, CNRIPH, CNCP…).

The communication of the work carried out is done through the press or on the occasion of events (symposia, seminars, conferences…).

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